Thursday, March 26, 2009


So, let me put it out there- I voted for Obama in 2008. People have begun to attack him because *gasp* he's been in office for 2 months and hasn't fixed everything! Wow. I just want to say that we need to give him a chance and stop attacking as partisans. Let's set our differences aside and try to rebuild this country. We have a lot of work to do. And stop using the words "socialism," "communism," or "fascism," until you really know what they mean. It's exhausting.

economic recession

Today's economic recession reminds many of the Great Depression of the 1930s. I wonder if this assessment is valid. There are similar factors- the panic, the consequential governmental regulation, the unemployment rates rising. But are the two really comparable? Any thoughts?


So I decided to officially define my objective of my blog. It follows the 8th grade history core curriculum, standard 2, objective 1- Develop an awareness of current events. This is really important for history students to be able to connect past and present events and be able to understand the relevance of studying the past. We can't truly understand the present without having the past to contextualize it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

burning horses and backstreet boys....

.....are distracting when you're trying to work dutifully on your school assignments. Historians will later prove that fact.

rant of the week

So, my rant of the week is related to the fact that Brigham Young University does not schedule a spring break. This is lame. Why is BYU against both spring and breaks? These two things are lovely and natural and must be celebrated. So, BYU, if you're reading this, COME ON! ....please :)